作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-05-28 09:05:09 浏览次数:105
There are four people in all
重点词汇四口───Four;一共有───All in all
双语使用场景The singer gave four encores.───那位歌手加演了4次.
In less than four hours my enthusiasm had waned and I rather reproached myself for coming.───不到两个时辰,我早已意兴索然,颇悔此行了.
Take one tablet every four hours.───隔四小时服一片.
The business was acquired from Orion four years ago.───这铺子是4年前从列昂那儿买来的.
The child did not nurse after he was four months old.───那个小孩四个月以后就不吃奶了.
The Japanese team accumulated four points with one win and two losses.───日本队积四分,一胜两负.
I woke up around four o'clock this morning.───今天早上4点钟模样我就醒了.
A square has four corners.───正方形有四个角.
英语使用场景A horse stumbles that has four legs.
Five, four, three, two, one, zero.
Four eyes see more than two.
This is my dog. She is four years old.
The association meets four times a year.