作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-05-28 08:45:14 浏览次数:61
Old bear in charge
重点词汇老熊───Old bear;当道───In charge
双语使用场景Two workers with orange flags led the way as the 4-year-old bear was carried on the first leg of his 8, 000-mile journey.───两名工作人员用橙色旗子引导这只4岁成年熊,并开始它的第一次8000英里的跋涉。
The zoo spokesperson said a necropsy will be performed to determine the cause of death of the four-year-old bear.───动物园发言人称将会进行尸检来确定这个4岁大的北极熊的死因。
He pissed in darkness, filling his chamber pot as the old bear 's raven muttered complaints.───他在黑暗中对着夜壶撒尿时,熊老的乌鸦正一旁嘀咕着牢骚。
Every Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Morton had put out a very ugly old bear's head at the side of their gate, but nobody wanted it.───每一个星期六莫顿夫妇都将一直很丑的很旧的熊娃娃的头放在他们的门旁边。可是没有一个人想要它。
Back in his solar, Jon found the Old Bear's raven perched on the back of the oak-and-leather chair behind the 'trestle table.───回到起居室,琼恩发现熊老的乌鸦栖息在那张用支架撑起的桌子后面的橡木皮革椅子上。
not too much publicity. "Stand up to the rafters rotten" life worthy of the old bear in mind the Millennium.───不要太张扬。“出头的椽子先烂”,这个千年古训值得终身记取。
英语使用场景The expression "loaded for bear" now means to be completely prepared for an event just as an old bear hunter was completely prepared for meeting a bear.
Stannis stood behind the rough-hewn table where the Old Bear had once been wont to sit and take his meals.
The expression "loaded for bear"now means to be completely prepared for an event, just as an old bear hunter was completely prepared for meetint a bear.
Old bear grass malaria, at the present but also hi carp wind.
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