作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-05-28 07:55:20 浏览次数:75
industrial engineering
双语使用场景We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible.───我们可以使用基因工程技术把相关基因分离出来。
Many students specialize in engineering.───许多学生专攻工程学.
Their loss would be a grievous blow to our engineering industries.───失去它们将会是对我们工程行业的一个沉重打击。
He carved out a name for himself in the engineering business.───在土木工程业方面,他孜孜以求为自己赢得了声誉.
to do an HNC in electrical engineering───攻读电机工程国家高级证书
The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.───这种长途汽车是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。
The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering.───这座桥是现代工程的一大成就。
The science of engineering began as soon as man learned to use tools.───人类一学会使用工具,工程科学就开始了.
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