作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-26 09:59:58 浏览次数:53
Extramarital love
重点词汇婚外恋───Extramarital love
双语使用场景Now the popular extramarital love is a manifestation of greed.───如今流行的婚外恋是一种贪欲的表现。
a sense, extramarital love results from lack of responsibility.───某种意义上说,婚外恋缘于责任感缺乏。
In the literature of extramarital love is a story, in real life is an accident.───在文艺作品里是一个故事,在现实生活里是一场事故。
To a few females, walking into extramarital love is to cannot refrain from it seems that.───对于一些女性来说,走进婚外恋似乎是情不自禁。
Carry a network, he got acquainted with a female undergraduate, deep-set extramarital love cannot extricate oneself.───通过网络,他结识了一名女大学生,并深陷婚外恋无法自拔。
From a feminist standpoint, some TV plays about extramarital love are not "fables of exhortation" but "narratives of desire" .───从女性主义的立场来看,一些涉及“婚外恋”的影视剧与其说是“劝世寓言”,不如说是“欲望叙事”;
英语使用场景This paper analyzes Internet extramarital love affair with the method of sociological survey.
The Scarlet Letter of Hawthorne and The Awakening of Kate Chopin, simply speaking, both tell the stories of extramarital love.
Fundamental principle of marriage is faithful, change wife have violate faithful principle, like one-night standing, extramarital love, it is profanatory to a kind of marriage.
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