作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-26 09:54:03 浏览次数:63
You should read more and enlarge your vocabulary
双语使用场景By learning the prefix can enable me to enlarge and enrich my vocabulary.───通过学习词缀可以扩大并丰富我的词汇量.
English in primary schools, the vocabulary of memory is an important content.───在小学英语里, 词汇的记忆是重要的内容.
Reading will increase your vocabulary.───阅读会增加你的词汇量。
While students put it aside because they are not scored according to the amount of vocabulary.───学生则因为考试成绩并不以词汇量多少来衡量而把词汇学习抛在一边.
There is an English Chinese vocabulary at the end of the book.───书末附有英汉词汇表.
Play the game to test your vocabulary skills. There are thousands of words to practice.───快来试试这套互动词汇游戏吧! 数千条词语供你练习.
Reading will enlarge your vocabulary.───阅读能扩大词汇量。
The author thinks a lack of vocabulary ability is the major factor that restrains reading proficiency.───因此,笔者认为,词汇能力是影响阅读水平的最主要因素之一.