作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 11:02:40 浏览次数:129
双语使用场景Some individuals are naturally good communicators.───一些人天生善于沟通。
This book is ideal for communicators in the field of history and historical fiction.───这本书是理想的人沟通,在这个领域的历史和历史小说.
This is science fiction, so we can be optimistic! And Star Trek's idea of life in the future is 'communicators'.───这是科幻小说,所以我们可以乐观!《星际迷航》对未来生活的设想是‘交流器’。
Credible communicators show humility in innumerable ways.───无数种方式让交流既可信又展现出谦卑。
Effective communicators are also capable of observing and interpreting nonverbal communications.───有效的沟通者也要有观察和解释非语言沟通信息的能力.
The report found that women are more enthusiastic communicators, using email in more robust way.───报告发现,网络中,女性更热衷于交流, 她们会不知疲倦地收发邮件.
Today, highly effective people must be strong communicators.───今时今日, 高效率的人必定是个称职的沟通者.
According to Theory of Reflection and Knowability, News communicators can promise the news to be true.───根据反映论与可知论, 新闻传播者可以做到新闻真实.
英语使用场景The Internet audience refers to the communicators and receivers in the conventional sense. Their psychological features include that of cryptonym, role-play, alternation, and following others.
They also were good listeners and skilled communicators, had good human relations skills, and were keenly interested in the subject.
But the communicators can take heart.
Doctors are often berated for being poor communicators, particularly when they have to give patients bad news.
Some individuals are naturally good communicators.
毕业论文查重 论文查重新闻 论文查重资讯 学位论文查重 论文检测资讯 毕业论文查重资讯 论文检测新闻 论文查重中心 论文检测新闻本站声明:网站内容来源于网络,如有侵权,请联系我们,我们将及时删除处理。