作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-04-03 08:49:46 浏览次数:41
The oil is full
双语使用场景extra virgin olive oil───优质初榨橄榄油
They priced oil out of the competitive market.───他们把油价定得过高而被挤出竞争剧烈的市场.
Lofty derricks dot the landscape in an oil field.───高耸的井架点缀着油田的景色.
The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting.───有些国家的石油资源正被迅速地消耗掉.
The purpose of oil refinery is to refine crude petroleum.───炼油厂的主要工作是提炼原油.
There's a wealth of oil in this well.───这口井储油丰富.
Oil will not mingle with water.───油和水不相融.
Check the engine oil level regularly.───要时常检查机油量.
英语使用场景Trickle some oil over the salad.
Check the oil and water before setting off.
Oil and water do not mix.
Oil does not mix with water.
The bath oil comes in various fragrances.