作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-06 14:32:23 浏览次数:30
双语使用场景According to the test in Nanfan Open Pit, shows the method is available, the absorbing shock rate of this method reachs 68%, the bursting range of back shock reduces 78%.───通过在南芬露天铁矿的应用,表明该方法是行之有效的,降震率为68%,后冲破裂范围减少78%。
contemporary prose the richest basis is lyricism and humor among all the artistic elements, Nanfan disdains both lyricism and sense of humor.───当代散文艺术积累最为雄厚的是抒情和幽默,南帆却不屑于抒情和幽默。
According to the Nanfan Daily last month, 20, 000 SEMs in Guangdong province have shut down since October, with the loss of 2 million jobs.───上个月南方日报道说,自从去年十月份起,广东已经2万家中小企业倒闭,失去了200万个就业岗位。
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