作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 16:51:37 浏览次数:76
Cake germ
双语使用场景He bought an extra large cake.───他买了一块非常大的蛋糕.
That cake looks very tempting.───那蛋糕的样子让人嘴馋。
She iced the cake.───她在蛋糕上滚糖霜.
The cook is noted for his cake.───这个厨师以做蛋糕而著名.
The cake we made was somewhat of a failure.───我们做的蛋糕不大成功.
Just another surveillance job, old chap. Piece of cake to somebody like you.───老伙计,只不过又是一份盯梢的活。对你这样的人来说还不是小菜一碟。
She nibbled daintily at her cake.───她优雅地一点一点地吃着自己的蛋糕.
The cake eats crisp.───这点心吃起来酥脆.
英语使用场景You can't eat your cake and have it.
You can't have your cake and eat it.
A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.
I made the icing while the cake was baking.
Cut the cake into sections.