作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 16:45:44 浏览次数:62
双语使用场景Take a right turn at the crossroads.───在十字路口右转弯.
She got up and spun a little turn.───她站起来转了一小圈.
How could the old man turn his own son out of the house?───那个老人怎么会把亲生儿子逐出家门 呢 ?
Please turn to page twelve.───请翻到十二页.
First, you turn the engine on so.───首先, 你这样开动引擎.
The studio manager will cue you in when it's your turn to sing.───轮到你唱的时候,演播室经理会向你发出暗示的.
The radio isn't loud enough, could you turn it up?───收音机不够响, 你能把音量开大一点 吗 ?
If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good works.───当作家而不深入群众, 就不会写出好作品来.
英语使用场景I'm cold. Turn the heating up.
Even a worm will turn.
Turn/Twiddle the little knob to adjust the volume.
Turn the jar upside down and shake it.
One good turn deserves another.