作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 16:42:00 浏览次数:50
Hide camera
双语使用场景Setting up the camera can be tricky.───调试相机可能会很费事。
This morning's appeal was held in camera.───今天上午的上诉不公开审理。
I cradled my video camera nervously on my lap, but its cold contours did nothing to comfort me.───我紧张地把摄影机架在大腿上,但是它冰冷的外形并没能给我任何安慰。
The thieves snatched the camera.───那些小偷抢走了照相机。
After I was given my first camera I was in seventh heaven.───我得到我的第一台照相机后开心极了。
He petitioned for a retrial in camera.───他请求不公开重新审理此案.
The camera has two focuses.───这部相机有两个焦距.
Can you show me how I can handle this camera?───你能教我如何使用这个照相机 吗 ?
英语使用场景The focus on my camera isn't working properly.
Did you pack the camera?
My camera needs a new flash bulb.
This camera has a built-in flash.
It's just an ordinary camera.