作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 16:28:51 浏览次数:34
双语使用场景The cold weather turned leaves red.───寒冷天气使树叶变红.
Red wine gives me a headache.───我喝红酒会头痛。
She was wearing bright red lipstick.───她搽着鲜红色的口红。
Red banners fluttered freely.───红旗漫卷.
He outlined the triangle in red.───他用红笔画出三角形.
red food colouring───红色食物着色剂
On either side of the rostrum sat representatives of parents, teachers and Red Scarves.───演讲台两边,坐着家长代表, 教师代表和红领巾代表.
They have painted the table red.───他们把桌子漆成红色.
英语使用场景I recognized her by her red hair.
Do you want red or white?
There were red coals in the grate.
The floor is covered with a red carpet.
We'll roll out the red carpet for the senator.