作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 16:09:00 浏览次数:76
Who's in the first picture
重点词汇第一张───The first one;照片───Photo
双语使用场景He is often the first one to start a fight.───常常首先挑起争斗.
You are the first one I believe.───你是我最相信的人.
The flute is the first one woodwind instrument.───长笛是最早产生的木管乐器之一.
Now let's check answers together . The first one.───学生读完文章后, 一起核对答案.
It is the first one founded South Zhejiang Iron Works.───它是浙南地区创办最早的一家铁工厂.
The application scale of digester is the first one in the world.───目前我国户用沼气推广应用的规模上居国际首位.
The first one left me and the second one didn't.───前面的那个扔下了我.
The first one is that the market price of interest rate risk is zero.───用这个方法估计利率模型,可以同时得到利率风险的市场价格的估计.
英语使用场景I only had the first one to worry about.
My house is the first one on the left.
The first one was not good, neither was the second .
The first one was not good, neither was the second one.
The first one Zeno had thrown was lost completely.