作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 15:57:22 浏览次数:43
Yi Xun
重点词汇易迅───Yi Xun
双语使用场景study the matter of Gao's annotations is to study the matter of yi-xun as well, which included, synonymous explanation, antonymous explanation, definition and so on.───研究高注方式就是研究高注义训的方式,它包括同义相训、反义相训、狭义释广义、共名释别名、描写譬况、设立界说等六种方式。
Guangzhou rubber Co., Ltd. Yi-liang, founded in 1999, Their enterprises in Guangzhou Zengcheng Czech music rubber products factory. in Guangzhou and Shantou City Hua-Xun Plastic products Co.───公司简介广州良益橡胶有限公司创建于1999年,属下企业有广州市增城乐捷橡塑制品厂及汕头市华勋塑胶制品有限公司。
Movie "White-Haired Girl, " according to the collective creation of Yan'an Lu Xun Literature Institute, HE Jing, Ding Yi, adapted from the opera written by the same name.───影片《白毛女》根据延安鲁迅文学院集体创作,贺敬之、丁毅执笔的同名歌剧改编而成。