作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 15:37:25 浏览次数:43
双语使用场景Last week, we had the story "Little Rongrong: Born to Save Brother's Life".───上周,我们报道了关于小容容一家的《她的出生是为了挽救他的生命》一文。
They are intimate depictions of RongRong and inri's private life at Liu Li Tun.───它们是对荣荣和映里在六里屯的私生活所做的深入描绘。
Dong Rongrong, staring Little Meixia in the TV play 'Niezhai', is also going to play a part.───孽债》中“小美霞”的扮演者董蓉蓉在剧中扮演角色。
RongRong lured her to Beijing from Japan with his promises of a beautiful house.───荣荣吸引着她从日本来到北京,他允诺这里有一所漂亮的房子。
Since SASAC started life, its chairman, Li Rongrong, has announced nothing but good news.───自从国资委成立以来,国资委主席李荣融从来都是报喜不报忧。
Rongrong is a cute little girl, whom you can see from the photo of her wearing a little red coat, with big eyes.───荣荣是个非常可爱的小女孩,照片上的她穿着小红袄,眼睛大大的。
英语使用场景Titaiqingying fox, quick action yellow fur, followed by Rongrong, in mammals, is the indisputable beautiful family.