作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 15:27:50 浏览次数:27
Send a car to pick up
双语使用场景Quebec mandated that all immigrants send their children to French schools.───魁北克省颁布法令,强制所有移民将子女送进法语学校就读。
I will send you the goods on approval.───我将把货物送到您那儿供试用.
I should be grateful if you would send it to me at an early date.───请早日寄下为感.
Is it necessary to send a car for them?───用得着派车去接他们 吗 ?
Come on, Bill. Send Tom a card and make his day.───来吧,比尔。给汤姆寄张卡片让他高兴高兴吧。
to send goods by air freight───空运货物
It's best to send the heavy cases ahead so that they'll be there already when we arrive.───最好事先把这些沉重的箱子运走,这样我们到达时,箱子已经到了.
We'll send you a quote without delay.───我们会立刻送一份报价给你。