作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 15:20:41 浏览次数:39
All kinds
重点词汇各种样───All kinds
双语使用场景They sell all kinds of things.───他们出售各种各样的东西。
Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons.───收养可能因为各种各样的原因失败。
She enjoys all kinds of music, as I do.───她和我一样什么音乐都喜欢。
Public services of all kinds are being dismantled.───林林总总的公共设施正被逐渐废除。
There are all kinds of ships in a quay.───码头停泊各式各样的船.
Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons.───收养不成功可能有各种原因。
There are all kinds of tea in the shop.───这家商店有各种各样的茶叶.
They tried all kinds of tactics to get us to go.───他们施尽所有的招数想让我们去。
英语使用场景He rears all kinds of birds.
This principle applies to all kinds of selling.
Craft of all kinds come into this port.
He collects specimens of all kinds.
We now export all kinds of industrial products.