作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 15:10:20 浏览次数:29
双语使用场景The thunderstorm , which had been brewing all afternoon, kept off until we were safely indoors.───这场雷雨酝酿了整个下午, 但一直挨到我们安全到家以后才开下起来.
This is showed typically in their respective representative works Desire Under the Elms and Thunderstorm.───这在各自的代表作《榆树下的欲望》、《雷雨》中表现得较为典型.
Do not stand under a tree during a thunderstorm.───在雷雨期间不要站在树下.
Like a thunderstorm rolling off those mountains, ready to flood the Salt Lake Valley below.───就像从那些雪山上形成的雷电风暴, 准备要冲垮盐湖城山谷.
According to the weather report, there is thunderstorm tonight. Take care while driving on the road.───今晚预报有雷暴雨, 你路上一定要小心开车.
Request circumnavigation ( to circumnavigate ) 30 km right of track ( airway ) to avoid the thunderstorm.───请求向 航迹 ( 航路 ) 右方绕行30公里以避开雷雨.
Sometimes it hails during a summer thunderstorm.───有时,夏天雷雨期间天会下雹.
The child was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm.───那孩子让狂风暴雨吓得要命.