作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 14:42:15 浏览次数:31
Document of restriction
重点词汇甘限文书───Document of restriction
双语使用场景ability to validate XML, or ensure that it satisfies some restriction based on type, is inherent in the language itself; Document Type Definitions are part of the XML specification.───验证 XML 或确保满足基于类型的某些限制是语言自身所固有的能力;Document Type Definitions 是 XML 规范的一部分。
When XML document comes forth incomplete information, XML functional dependency has also important meaning for the research of key, normal form and integral restriction for XML document.───当XML文档出现不完全信息时,XML函数依赖同样对于XML文档的键、规范化和完整性约束的研究具有重要意义。
Another restriction is the limitation involved in result tree fragments when calling a named template from the content of xsl:variable. (See the earlier section, Implicit document nodes).───另一方面的局限与从 xsl:variable 内容中调用命名模板时的结果树片段有关(参阅上一节 隐含文档节点)。