作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 14:36:58 浏览次数:30
双语使用场景One was gaunt, with flinty eyes a long white beard a face a winter frost.───一个比较憔悴, 有著严峻的眼睛跟白色的长胡子,脸色冷若冰霜.
Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight.───体重降低, 使她面容憔悴,形同麻杆,间或也夹杂着阵阵虚胖和超重.
It gives her pain to see her father grow gaunt and pale.───看到父亲日渐憔悴与苍白,她心里隐隐作痛.
Anyway, you're looking gaunt.───不管怎样,你看上去很憔悴。
For the most part there was silence; gaunt men shuffling, glancing, and beating their arms.───大部分时间都没人说话, 形容憔悴的人们挪动着双脚, 张望着, 拍打着自己的手臂.
His limp wings are filthy gray , his features drawn and gaunt, and his eyes yellowed.───亚斯塔罗斯以令人厌恶般丑陋的天使形象显现.
Hunger had made her face gaunt and grey.───饥饿使她的脸色憔悴、苍白.
The old inhabitant who answered was a tall, gaunt woman.───这个答话的本地老住户是一个高个儿, 瘦身材的女人.