作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 14:09:40 浏览次数:32
Man Ji
重点词汇满绩───Man Ji
双语使用场景Ming Dynasty is the second climax stage in the acceptance history of Hua Man Ji.───明代是《花间集》接受史的第二个高峰期。
adverbs of degree "Si", "Ji" and "Man" in Wuning dialect have their own characteristics in use and are different from their counterparts in putonghua.───武宁话的程度副词“死”“几”“蛮”在用法上各有特点,与普通话的程度副词相比也有多方面的差异。
work in the jin-Cha-Ji Military District.───在晋察冀军区工作。