作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 14:01:53 浏览次数:72
Disorderly excretion
双语使用场景Biochemical investigations showed hyponatremia , hyperkalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic acidosis and large amount of urinary sodium excretion.───经过适当治疗和水分补充,临床肠胃症状很快获得缓解.
Their complaints were nerve root pain and dysfunctions of motion, sense and excretion.───主要表现为神经根痛和肢体运动 、 感觉及大小便功能障碍.
excretion of methyl mercury becomes very difficult because of high enterohepatic circulation and reabsorption by proximal convoluted tubule.───由于甲基汞在体内的肠肝循环和肾脏近曲小管对甲基汞的重吸收效率高,使甲基汞的体外排泄十分困难。
To investigate the relationship between urinary albumin excretion rate ( UAER ) and intracranial artery atherosclerosis.───探讨尿蛋白排泄率 ( UAER ) 与颅内动脉粥样硬化的关系.
Sweat is an excretion.───汗是一种排泄物.
These relations remained significant after adjustment for age, body mass index and sodium and potassium excretion.───在经匹配年龄 、 体重指数、钠钾排泄等因素后,这些关联性依然显著.
More probable is bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds.───更有可能的是鸟类运输:或者是通过外部途径,即种籽偶然附着在羽毛上;或者是通过内部途径,即鸟类吞食果实并随后将种籽排泄出来。
Its occurrence is often associated with the malabsorption in intestine or increased excretion from kidney.───镁缺乏的发生通常与肠镁吸收障碍和(或)与增加肾镁排泄有关.
英语使用场景The fractional excretion of magnesium rises as glomerular filtration rate falls.
They also promote sodium excretion and induce a mild volume contraction.
Significant excretion of solute-free water can not occur unless significant amounts of solute and water reach this point.
And might add thoughtfully, if excretion depends upon metabolism in the liver, I wonder what's happening there.
Sulphate reducing bacteria were never detected, and methane excretion was not affected by sulphate feeding.