作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 13:53:54 浏览次数:42
双语使用场景The intercession has made a rapid progress.───调解已经取得了很大的进展.
What an unspeakable blessing there is in intercession.───代祷里的祝福是述说不尽的.
Tim. 4:5 For it is sanctified through the word of God and intercession.───提前四5都藉著神的话和人的代求,成为圣别了.
Intercession is to be the great link between heaven and earth.───神儿子的祷告是从地上开始,一直继续在天上.
Let Christians and ministers agree and bind themselves together for this worldwide intercession.───但愿所有的信徒及传道人能同心合意地为着全地的人代祷.
Through the intercession of him, my request was granted.───通过他的求情, 我的要求如愿以偿.
For it is sanctified through the word of God and intercession.───5都藉着神的话和人的代求,成为圣别了.
But how much greater the glory of intercession!───然而代祷的荣耀更是何等大!
英语使用场景His intercession could be of help to the tribe.
But how much greater the glory of intercession!
By means of intercession God's blessing is poured out at home and abroad.
What an unspeakable blessing there is in intercession.
Through the intercession of him, my request was granted.