作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 13:48:45 浏览次数:30
Please go ahead
双语使用场景The road was blocked, no car could pass.───道路阻塞了, 车子过不去.
We have travelled a tortuous road.───我们走过了曲折的道路.
He took his son over this road.───他带他的儿子穿过这条马路.
There is a sharp bend in the road.───路上有一个急转弯.
My car's off the road at the moment while I recondition the engine.───我是把车停在路边修理引擎的.
My son has taken up with the Jones boys who live down the road.───我儿子与住在路那一头的琼斯家的男孩子们很要好.
The road is no good ; it's rough and full of holes.───这条路坑坑洼洼的,太差劲了.
Keep to the right of the road.───请靠右边走.