作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 13:47:55 浏览次数:28
use unscrupulous divisive tactics
重点词汇不择手段───use unscrupulous divisive tactics
双语使用场景Wehave found a new TV and media-managing mode, which is different from former modes. This is our greatest achievement. We cannot use unscrupulous divisive tactics.───我们最大的收获就是找到了一种新的形态,一种不同于以往的电视节目和媒介运营的形态。
deliberate pursuit of the people, tired of life, only to the people, who use unscrupulous divisive tactics live tired.───刻意的追求的人,倦怠了生命的人,只注重结果的人,不择手段的人就活的疲惫。