作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 13:09:29 浏览次数:32
US District
重点词汇美区───US District
双语使用场景The US district judge Denny Chin described the fraud as "staggering" and said the "breach of trust was massive" and that a message was being sent by the sentence.───美国地区法官丹尼·钱用“惊人”一词形容该诈骗案,并说“该案对信托的违反是巨大的”,而这句话也正在传达着一个信息。
Those who pick trash around us district are poverty people.───那些在我们小区周围捡垃圾的人都是些穷苦的人。
US district judge granted a temporary restraining order, allowing a property management company owned by the founder of Domino's Pizza to avoid providing contraception to employees.───一名美国地方法院法官批准了一项临时禁令,允许一家物业管理公司不用为雇员提供避孕费用,这家公司属于达美乐批萨创始人。
Later I was elected as a district judge, and then appointed by the President to the federal judiciary as a US district judge.───后来我当选为地区法官,再后来,作为一名美国地区法官,被总统任命为联邦法官。
She was appointed to the US district court serving 6 years as a trial judge, where she preside over hundreds of cases.───她曾在美国地区法庭做过6年法官,在那里她接手过成千上万的案子。
In his opinion, US district judge Louis Stanton dismissed concerns about the threat to user privacy, branding them "speculative" .───美国地方法院法官路易斯-斯坦顿(LouisStanton)不理会对威胁用户隐私的忧虑,称它们为“猜测性的”。
英语使用场景The consent decree, lodged today in the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, is subject to a 30-day public comment period and approval by the federal court.
In a related case, PM USA said it had sued Tammy's Smoke Shop, a smoke shop on the Poospatuck Indian Reservation on Long Island, in the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York.