作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 12:59:18 浏览次数:39
Dust products
重点词汇尘品───Dust products
双语使用场景The problem for companies is working out which of these products will become a hit and which will gather dust on a shelf.───厂家的真正难题是判断:哪些产品将火爆,哪些产品将积压。
Silicosis is a disabling respiratory disease caused by inhaling silica dust, which is used in the production of glass products, optical fibers, cement, and more.───矽肺病是一种因长期吸入二氧化硅粉尘而导致的呼吸系统衰竭的疾病,二氧化硅可用于生产玻璃制品,光纤,水泥等物品。
My main work is help these beautiful and practical products find buyers, let people all over the world writing with our products, non-toxic, no dust, writing is a pleasant thing.───我现在的工作是,帮这些漂亮实用的产品找到合适的买家,让世界各地的人们,用这些无毒无粉尘的产品来愉悦的书写。