作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 12:53:29 浏览次数:35
Funny you're going to pee
双语使用场景Just a minute, I have to go pee.───“只是几分钟, 我必须去尿尿”.
Get off your ass and your pee pee and fuck off to your own flat!───抬起你的屁股滚回你的房间里去!
I need a pee really badly.───我很想撒尿.
Pee is probably just playing around , using his playboy skills. that's probably all.───Pee只是用他花花公子的本事,在那里玩一下而已. 只是这样.
You guys can pee standing up.───你们男人可以站着撒尿.
He needed to pee.───他要小便。
You've been very aggressive, and I'm not moving until you let me pee.───而且还那么凶, 除非你让我小便,否则我不走了.
Why can the pee when a fever become yellow?───发烧时小便为什么会变黄?
英语使用场景He needed to pee.