作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 12:30:18 浏览次数:27
A joke
重点词汇厮诨───A joke
双语使用场景He intended it as a joke.───他只想开个玩笑。
Keep your shirt on! It was only a joke.───别生气!开个玩笑而已。
This latest pay offer is a joke.───这次提出的报酬简直是开玩笑。
In a society that celebrates spending and credit, this behavior is usually looked upon as a joke rather than a serious problem.───在一个秀支出和信贷的社会里,这种行为常被看成一个笑话,而不是一个严重的问题。
This does not seem to legend, just a joke Bale.───这似乎不是传说,只是一则笑话罢了。
In the early days of mobile phones, the advertising slogan "It doesn't cost much to keep in touch" was a bit of a joke.───在手机早期,广告语“保持联系并不需要花很多钱”真的有点像玩笑。
英语使用场景Our teacher told us a joke today.
She tried to dissemble her disappointment with a joke.
His attempt at a joke misfired.
He livened up the party by telling a joke.
His colleagues regard him as a joke.