作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 12:12:33 浏览次数:29
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双语使用场景Many refugees were forcibly deported back to the countries they had come from.───许多难民被强制解送回国.
Once you've given your word, don't try to back out.───一旦许下诺言, 就不要想翻悔.
The police had to use force to hold back the crowd.───警察不得不用武力阻止人群.
May I refer you back to my earlier remarks on this subject?───是否让我向你重提一下我在这个主题上先前讲述的话?
Your blouse has rucked up at the back.───你的衬衫后面起褶儿了.
Join the blue wool on the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.───在这金制图案边缘织上蓝毛线,在背面也用同样的方法来织.
I'll set my watch back five minutes.───我要把我的表拨慢五分钟.
The ticket was handed back to the passenger.───票还给旅客了.