作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 12:08:13 浏览次数:41
I'm very interested in Italian art
双语使用场景Sophie asked her if she would like to come and give art lessons.───索菲问她是否愿意来教美术课。
Sculpture is a tangible art form.───雕刻是一种可触摸的艺术形式.
In the 50s, Rauschenberg anticipated the conceptual art movement of the 80s.───上世纪50年代时,劳申伯格就早早地预见到了80年代的概念艺术运动。
The gallery is seeking to enlarge its holdings of Danish art.───画廊正在寻求增加丹麦艺术作品的馆藏.
The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art.───房子里摆满了昂贵的家具和艺术品。
My sister likes to learn art pottery in her spare time.───我妹妹喜欢在空余时间学习陶艺.
The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards.───文工团常年在边防部队流动.
Laura landed a plum job with a smart art gallery.───劳拉在一家时尚画廊找到了份美差。