作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 11:30:30 浏览次数:34
Internal style
双语使用场景Canals and rivers form the inland waterways of a country.───运河和江河构成了一个国家的内河水路.
Sculpture is a tangible art form.───雕刻是一种可触摸的艺术形式.
Parents and children form a family.───父母和子女组成了一个家庭.
Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world.───谷类是世界范围内很大一部分人的主要食物。
The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world's longest painted corridor , with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted murals.───中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊.窟内有壁画45, 000余平方米.
These paintings will form the nucleus of a new collection.───这些画将构成新的收藏系列的基础。
Hydrogen combines chemically with oxygen to form water.───氢和氧化合成为水.
" Caught " is an irregular past tense form.───caught是不规则过去时动词.