作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 11:03:19 浏览次数:37
双语使用场景The house answers to his description.───这房子与他的描述相符.
This description didn't seem to tally with what we saw.───这一描述似乎与我们目睹的情况不符。
A comprehensive description is one that is full and complete.───一篇详尽的描写就是一篇充实完整的描写.
When I read the novel I skipped these dry passages of description.───我读这本小说的时候跳过了这几段毫无趣味的描写.
It was a good enough description for Mattie to be going on with.───这个描述对玛蒂来说暂时还不错。
Goods of every description are available.───货色齐全.
That's a marvellous description, Mrs Drummond. You're unusually observant.───您的描述令人惊叹,德拉蒙德太太,您真是独具慧眼。
This report offered the most specific and accurate description of the problems.───该报告对问题进行了最具体、最准确的描述。
英语使用场景The earliest description of this species dates from 1703.
He gave a description of what he had seen.
Can you give me a description of the thief?
She gave an exact description of the attacker.
That's a marvellous description, Mrs Drummond. You're unusually observant.