作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 11:02:22 浏览次数:31
双语使用场景Tradition places Hou Yi and Chang'e in the reign of the legendary emperor Yao.───人们常把后羿和 嫦娥 看成是尧帝统治时期的人物.
So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine : suns .───这就是有名的后 羿 射日的故事.
The Emperor of Heaven sent the archer Hou Yi to help Yao bring order.───天帝派擅长于射箭的后羿协助尧恢复以前的秩序.
Chen Chun - yi and Chu Yin - chiu looked at one another and frowned.───陈君宜和 朱吟 秋对看着皱了眉头.
Seok - yi , your silly mamma wants you to live with me.───赛科伊, 你愚蠢的妈妈想让你和我住在一起.
There are other important ethnic groups, including the Zhuang, the Yi, the Miao and so on.───还有其他重要的民族,包括壮族、彝族、苗族等等。
" Hi - Yi ! you're up a stump, ain't you! "───“ 哎呀,你日子好过了, 是不是? ”
You yi si , I mean , the head icon is interesting.───你搞研究搞晕头了吧,一下子拼音, 一下子洋文的.