作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-11 11:30:10 浏览次数:88
What color do you see
双语使用场景You are off colour, you'd better take a rest.───你气色不好, 休息一下吧.
The old lady looked a little off colour.───这老太太看起来气色不佳.
Either dye or paints are used to colour cloth.───不论是染料还是颜料都是用来染布的.
a colour television───彩色电视机
The walls are light in colour and covered in paper.───墙的颜色素淡,贴了墙纸。
We hope the colour gives the house a warm and inviting feel.───我们希望这种颜色能让房子给人一种暖意融融、宾至如归的感觉。
My mum'll have hysterics when she sees the colour of my hair.───妈妈看到我头发染成这种颜色会火冒三丈的.
You can go home afterwards and watch Inspector Morse in colour.───之后你就可以回家,看彩色版的电视连续剧《摩斯警长》。