作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-11 11:27:58 浏览次数:29
Garrison and stay
双语使用场景Tun - weng grew solemn and said, " Then, you've been - you've been what they call ` jilted.'───遯 翁肃然改容道: “ 那么, 你是 —— 是所谓‘失恋 ’ 了.
" As long as Hung - chien thinks she's submissive,'said Tun - weng , " it's all right.───遯 翁道: “ 只要鸿 渐 觉得她柔顺, 就好了.
Fang Tun - weng accepted the money for his son.───方遯翁代儿子收下了.
Zuerst dachte ich , das haette etwas mit Enten zu tun.───那丰富性令人惊讶,你可以整天地在超市里或者牛奶店里度过.
Fang Tun - weng had ignored him.───方遯翁置之不理.
TUN and TAP are virtual network kernel drivers.───TUN 和 TAP 是虚拟的网络内核设备。
They all loved my Chinese dumplings ( Jiao Zi and Yun Tun ).───大家都爱极了我和侄儿马修包的饺子和抄手.
Tun - weng suggested that these two rooms be given in exchange.───遯 翁提议,把这两间房作为交换条件.
英语使用场景Fang Tun - weng had ignored him.
When Tun - weng saw his son, he said, " Oh , you're back.
The naughtiness in Tun - weng 's smile and tone was ponderous enough to have caved in the floor.
One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.
Surrounding the stones is a wooden tun lined with zinc.