作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-11 11:25:05 浏览次数:30
Occupancy rate
重点词汇房率───Room rate;开───open
双语使用场景What's the room rate?───房间的费用是多少?
Coolidge added up the room rate and two rail tickets back to the campus.───柯立芝把住宿费和回学校的两张火车票价合计了一下.
I am enclosing a copy of our current room rate.───我随信寄上一张我们目前的房价表.
Since funding is always room rate of survival of an important threshold.───因为资金始终是房企生存的一道重要门槛.
Our room rate is 260 USD + 20 % surcharge per night.───我们的房价是每晚260美元再加20%的服务费.
Now the room rate has been changed. GS should be familiar with it.───宾客服务应尽快了解新的房价及合同价.
The room rate will be $ 80 per night, excluding 10 % tax and 5 % service charge.───房费是每晚80美元, 不包括10%的税费和5%的服务费.
Above room rate includes breakfast, 15 % surcharge and tax.───以上房费均含早餐 、 15%服务费及税.
英语使用场景Service is not included in the room rate.
Average room rate up slightly.
Details of the type of the room, rates and equipment remain permanently in the rack.
A lavish breakfast buffet, included in the room rate, is served on a patio overlooking the beach.
Soaring room rates have put tourists off visiting the city.