作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-11 11:19:32 浏览次数:27
It's like a piece of paper
重点词汇疋似───It's like a piece of paper
双语使用场景It could be a file folder or a shoebox or anything you like, but I think it's good to keep each idea on a separate piece of paper.───它可能是一个文件夹或一个鞋盒或任何你喜欢的东西,但是我认为把你的每个想法保留在每一张单独的纸上这是有好处的。
A top lab chief at the NIH laments that when scientists like himself push the licensing office to move a discovery toward commercialization, "it's just another piece of paper to them."───一位国家卫生研究院的高级实验室主管说,为像他一样的科学家需要催促授权中心早日将一项发现商业化而感到痛惜,“对他们来说,这只是另一张纸而已。”
In effect, it's like forging a letter by putting new contents onto a piece of paper that was legitimately signed.───效果上就好像在一份有真实签名的白纸上写上内容来伪造信件。