作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-11 11:17:41 浏览次数:34
Black angel
重点词汇黑天使───Black angel
双语使用场景network A&E staged a mock funeral to promote “Chris Angel Mindfreak” — complete with coffins carried by men wearing black lipstick — in the middle of a main walkway.───A&E网络在舞台上给《街头魔术》搭建假葬礼,涂着黑唇的男人们抬着一个个地棺材从中间走来。
as how Black angel his one of his angels she knows this passage way.───作为恶魔的天使之一,黑天使自然知道这条通道。
A top US Air Force fighter pilot decides that his call sign of Black Angel means that he's a messenger of God.───一位美国空军战斗机飞行员,他决定呼号的黑天使意味着他是一个上帝的使者。
Where the black angel did weep───暗天使在那里啜泣
英语使用场景A top US Air Force fighter pilot decides that his call sign of Black Angel means that he's a messenger of God.