作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-06 17:02:45 浏览次数:74
His name is Sam
双语使用场景He enquired her name.───他打听她的姓名。
My name is Alexander, Al for short.───我叫亚历山大, 简称亚尔.
She repressed her desire to mention his name.───她压制住自己没有提他的名字.
I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name. Can you remind me?───对不起,我忘了你的名字。提醒我一下好吗?
For the life of me , I couldn't remember her name.───我怎么也记不起她的名字了.
I am simply unable to call to mind his name.───我实在想不起来他的名字了.
The name simply didn't register with me.───我对这个名字简直没有印象.
He's the boss in name only, because I issue all the orders.───他只是名义上的老板, 所有的命令都是我下的.
英语使用场景A good name keeps its luster in the dark.
A good name is better than (great) riches.
He dialled 999 and stammered his name and address.
It's marketed under the trade name "Tattle".
You don't happen to recall his name, do you?