作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-06 16:22:29 浏览次数:24
Li Bi
重点词汇吏毕───Li Bi
双语使用场景novels are characteristic of fatalism, and under the major background of the fate samsara, the author explores man' s transcendency, that is, the ideal character of the characters.───的小说有浓郁的宿命论色彩,但在宿命轮回的大背景下,作者着意发掘人身上的超越性——即人物身上所具有的理想品格。
It seem is Open Day bi land rise like a tower in there, in li Su the big flood mythology of ancient clan in, it has existed.───它仿佛是开天辟地就耸立在那里,在傈僳族古老的大洪水神话中,它就已经存在了。