作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-06 16:02:54 浏览次数:30
I'm not talking about you
双语使用场景I asked him several times, but he didn't say anything.───我问过他几遍, 他都没吱声.
I'd say he is a man who has the least tincture of learning.───我认为他是一个最没有学术气味的人.
Say what you have to say with no surplusage.───讲你必须讲的话,别多嗦.
The boss may look a bit fierce, but in fact he wouldn't say " boo " to a goose.───老板可能看上去有点凶, 但实际上他不会吓唬人.
I'd like to say a few more words.───我还有几句话要说.
I had better say a few words by way of explanation.───我最好以解释的方式说几句话.
It's easy to say now what we should have done then — with the wisdom of hind sight!───现在说我们当时应该如何做是不难的——这全是事后聪明.
I didn't say it intentionally.───我是无心说的.
英语使用场景I don't know what to say.
Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.
Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose.
Learn to say before you sing.
I say little but I think the more.