作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-06 15:35:45 浏览次数:27
Hidden light
重点词汇匿光───Hidden light
双语使用场景If they are buried underneath a stack of papers you could care less about, then your light is hidden from the world.───而如果他们被埋在一叠厚厚的文件中,就会被漠不关心,那么你的光芒就会被隐藏。
Today, telescopes take pictures using forms of light hidden from the human eye.───今天的望远镜使用一种肉眼无法看到的光线拍摄图片。
In the black topper the light was completely hidden, and they flew on in silence.───在那顶黑色的大礼帽里,灯光完全被遮住了,他们默默地飞着。