作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-06 15:20:12 浏览次数:24
Shanxi Bangzi
双语使用场景By the end of the 19th century, southern Beijing opera had originated from the confusion of Beijing opera, Anhui opera and Bangzi play.───从京剧传入到19世纪末,京、徽、梆子同台竞演、融合汇通,形成南派京剧;
Qing Emperor Qianlong period, Shangdang Bangzi is a sophisticated drama.───清乾隆时期,上党梆子已是一个成熟剧种。
Shangdang Bangzi performing a set of unique and artistic style of the program.───上党梆子有一套独特的表演程序和艺术风格。
With a more than 200 years development, the melody of the laiWu BangZi has formed its own style and characteristic.───在近二百多年的发展中,莱芜梆子的唱腔形成了自己独特的风格与特色。
Therefore, the aesthetics studies to the Hebei bangzi aria, vocalese being in progress in Tianjin is to have advantage's alone.───因此,对河北梆子的两大主构部分唱腔、唱法的美学研究在天津进行是独具优势的。
The Hebei bangzi belongs to traditional opera music is one big types of drama of the north.───河北梆子属戏曲音乐,是北方的一大剧种。
英语使用场景Hebei Bangzi and Yu Opera are two branches of the big system of Bangzi clapper opera.