作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-06 13:45:28 浏览次数:56
submit by force
重点词汇力服人───To convince others;以───with
双语使用场景If you want to convince others that your opinion is representative of the majority, then just repeat yourself.───如果你想说服他人你的观点是代表大多数人的,那么你只需要不断的重复它。
Some spend so much time and energy trying to convince others of their truth, when no one group holds it all.───一些人花费了这么多的时间和能量,试着说服其他人相信他们的真相,当没有一个团体理解它的时候。
These people need to support their ideas with strong reasons and try to convince others of their position.───人们需要用有力的理由来支持自己的观点并说服他人。
You might be frustrated as you rely on common values when trying to convince others to take up your favorite cause.───当你试图说服别人采取你的建议时你可能会沮丧因为你总是持有相同的价值观。
We guide you to turn away from trying to convince others of your truth, and rather become your truth by self mastering and ascending.───我们建议你离开对使别人信服你的真相的尝试,而经由自我掌握和提升成为你的真相。
英语使用场景Rather, he was able to use his considerable personal appeal and powers of persuasion to convince others to take his line.
Lerner seems to have two great talents: that of being able to step out of standard operating procedure (SOP) frameworks and that of being able to convince others to join him in doing so.
He had sold all his sheep and bought a truck, and was trying to convince others that they should follow suit.
Now and then, natural events make it easier for Murray and his associates to convince others that their work is necessary.