作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-10-29 15:20:07 浏览次数:130
Travel with family
双语使用场景All my family enjoy skiing.───我们全家都喜欢滑雪。
Their family has a plentiful harvest this year.───他们家今年又丰收了.
Parents and children form a family.───父母和子女组成了一个家庭.
The whole family seemed cursed.───全家人仿佛都受到诅咒遭了殃。
I received the hospitality of the family.───我受到这家人亲切的款待.
He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family.───他娶了个女继承人为妻子,女方家庭对他的结婚动机抱有怀疑态度.
He pictured to himself the family sitting out on the lawn.───他想象家里人坐在草地上.
Aside from a thorough medical family history, there is no need to offer any genetic testing on the basis of consanguinity alone.───除了需要一份详尽的家庭病史之外, 没有必要仅根据有血缘关系这一条理由就进行任何的基因测试.