作者:毕业查重系统 发表时间:2023-09-19 10:07:49 浏览次数:27
双语使用场景She had trouble without end.───她有无穷的烦恼.
They petitioned for an early end to the fighting.───他们上书请求早日结束战争.
You'll end up in hospital if you drive your car like that.───你那样乱开汽车最后总要弄到进医院才了事.
They live in the end house.───他们住在最后的那座房子。
They've roped off one end of the room.───他们用绳子把房间的一头给隔开了.
Jim appeared a few minutes before the end of the party.───吉姆在晚会结束前几分钟才露面.
No adventurer of this type ever came to a good end!───像这样铤而走险的人是不会有好结果的!
Each human being has to die, but mankind goes on world without end.───每个人都会死, 但人类却永无止境.
英语使用场景Please go to the end of the line.
The accident brought his career to an abrupt end.
A cigarette end glowed red in the darkness.
He was drunk at the end of the party.
I just caught the tail end of the movie.
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